A Partnership to Help Pet Families
If you are a veterinarian in the Florida Gulf Coast Region, we know you're passionate about giving every faithful companion a long, happy, healthy life. Part of that responsibilthy is helping our beloved animals and their families say goodbye with peace and dignity.
Dedication & Empathy
At Furever After Pet Cremation, we offer professional and compassionate aftercare services for our community. We proudly partner with clinics like yours to make the process easier for pet families. Please call us or contact us with the form below.
Same Day Pick Up of Patient
Private cremations are picked up on call with communal cremations retrieved then as well, all pets are provided our quality, custom containers. On demand pick up following euthanasia alleviates the requirement of freezer storage.
Next Day Return of Cremains
Cremains are always returned the next day, no matter what day of the week it is. Choose to have the cremains returned to the clinic or delivered in person to your client's home, day or night.
Accountability You Can Trust
Our dual tracking system ensures that the right pet gets back to the right family. A stainless steel tag with unique tracking accompanies the pet through every step. It's paired with our computerized barcode system, a failsafe you and your clients can rely on.
Available 365 Days a Year
We are ready to assist your clinic and clients after hours, weekends, and even holidays. Client home pick up of a pet is also offered day and night.
Transparent Pricing
Our simple, straight forward pricing structure is easy to work with because there are no hidden fees for conveniences like after hours needs, delivery, pick up, or distance. Call us for a clinic visit, pricing, or use the contact form below to inquire.
(941) 567-4842